Unleash your true colours, rediscover your style.

Discovering the perfect colours that enhance your natural beauty can be an exciting journey, and there are various methods that colour consultants use to analyse your colours. Among these methods, the one that has always held a special place in my heart is the seasonal method.

Collage of winter season images.

As a child, I vividly remember my step mum sharing her experience of being analysed as a Spring, and how she effortlessly chose her best colours. She would adorn herself in vibrant tomato reds, sunflower yellows, and exquisite warm purples. Now, as a trained colour consultant, my love for the seasonal method has only grown stronger. There's something poetic about using nature as our guide to uncovering our own natural beauty.

A collage of spring seasonal images, including clothing and spring season celebrities

However, for those who are new to this method, it can be a little tricky at first. Some of our assumptions about seasons and colours can catch us off guard. You might assume that the two warm seasons are spring and summer, but in reality, they are spring and autumn. It's the notion of summer being a cool season that often confuses most people. To understand, we need to shift our focus from weather to how nature displays its beauty during each season.

collage of autumn seasonal colours and images, including clothing and autumn season celebrities

The seasonal method categorises the four seasons into two groups: warm and cool. Think about autumn with its rich red and orange leaves, or winter with the stark contrast between white snow and silhouetted trees. Spring bursts forth with a riot of colourful blooms. These are the bright, clear, and vibrant colours associated with warm seasons. Now, let's talk about the elusive summer season. Nature here presents a softer palette with muted shades of pink flowers, and the light takes on a saturated, hazy quality. Summer isn't about bold pops of colour but rather a gentle sea of sun-soaked hues.

collage of summer season images

Once you associate the seasonal method with the beauty of nature, everything starts to fall into place. During a consultation, we look at what nature has gifted you and use it as a guiding force to uncover the colours that will truly make your beauty shine through.


Where shall I start?


Why Your Season Doesn't Change: Unveiling the Timeless Beauty Within