A Perfect Palette for Lily Pebbles

Welcome, new readers! If you’re just joining me, you might not know how this whole adventure began. If you’re curious, take a peek at this [introductory blog post]

Starting a business called “How to Not Hate Your Clothes” was a bold move. It’s definitely not your typical styling business name because it's not your typical styling business. Like many women, I often found myself staring into my wardrobe with nothing I wanted to wear. There had to be a better way. Women everywhere feel this way despite spending more on clothing than ever before. Many people truly hate their clothes. This frustration led to a total confidence slump that bled into many areas of my life.

My confidence hit rock bottom when I returned to work after my second maternity leave. Despite having a senior role and a track record of great performance, I felt useless, replaced, and pushed out. I didn’t even have the confidence or self-belief to defend myself. During this time, I constantly tried to feel better about myself. Apart from the career panic, I was in a total style crisis. I didn’t know who I was or how much I had changed.

Fast forward to today, and I’m now running a thriving small business that tackles the exact problems I once faced. This is why whenever I hear a woman express confusion about her style and what suits her, my ears prick up! The phrase “I wish I knew what colours suited me” is like a smoke signal I can’t ignore.

The phrase “I wish I knew what colours suited me” is like a smoke signal I can’t ignore.

My Sunday morning ritual of watching a few YouTube vlogs has been a long-standing tradition. I’m definitely an avid viewer of my favourite channels. One Sunday morning, barely awake, I saw that smoke signal during my tradition. Lily Pebbles, the OG blogger and YouTuber, was talking about how much she wished she knew her best colours. She spoke about losing her sense of self post-babies and struggling to know what to wear. Most viewers would relate to this confession and move on with their day. I spent the rest of the day pondering if I should reach out.

Part of my newfound confidence journey is to just do the scary thing. So, I emailed Lily. Well done me. I thought that was the end of it, but Lily replied. Gulp!

If you’ve watched the vlog, you’ll know she needed a little encouragement. The date was set, and the consultation was happening. I knew she needed this consultation and how much I could help. Colour has an amazing ability to help you see yourself in a new light. It worked for me and has worked for countless other clients. Colour won’t fix all your confidence issues but it will give you the boost to start working on them. Colour can help you enjoy shopping again. It can attract people to you. You can’t wear a great colour without someone telling you they love it. Colour is a reliable and loyal friend. It’ll light you up even on your worst days. The best part? Colour is pretty endless. Your palette can be as individual and unique as you. Every palette I create is as unique as you.

The best part? Colour is pretty endless. Your palette can be as individual and unique as you. Every palette I create is as unique as you.
— Louise

Having been a follower of Lily for a while, I had a pretty good idea of what her best colours would be. I often noticed the positive reactions in the comment section when she wore vivid brights. But. like on the VLOG, I say “The Drapes Don't Lie”.

Let’s take a look at the palette I created for Lily. Let me know what you think!

These are just 3 pages from Lilys Bespoke Colour Plan. BCPs are packed full of information about your unique colouring.



I’m launching a roadshow!!!


Embracing the New You: Letting Go of Your Style Past