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Personality and Colour Analysis

To create the best possible palette I take great care to undertand the interplay between your Season and your temperament. This enables me to make sure that the colours I recommend for you suit both your skin and your personality. My goal is to help people feel more confident in their clothes through a better understanding of the colours that suit them. What makes someone them is a combination of factors that I aim to assess.

If you have just received your report you will see your personality scores. This post will explain more about each temperament and its relationships to the Colour Analysis Seasons.

Four temperaments?

Psychologist Carl Jung built on the work of Hippocrates to theorise that individuals can be categorised into four primary personality types: Sanguine (enthusiastic and social), Choleric (ambitious and driven), Melancholic (thoughtful and analytical), and Phlegmatic (calm and peaceful).

These temperaments help us understand different personality traits and behaviours.

Sanguine - The Spring Personality

Sanguine people are often Springs in colour analysis. They are more extroverted, love spending time with people, are lively and don't mind being the centre of attention. They could be described as sociable, enthusiastic, and curious. They are also likely to be somewhat disorganised and may find it hard to finish things they have started. They are passionate about colour and enjoy wearing it.

Choleric - The Autumn Personality

Choleric individuals are often Autumns in colour analysis. They are typically extroverted, determined, and goal-oriented, with ambition and drive. Logic guides their decision-making rather than emotions. Being so focused can lead to frustration and anger if things don't go to plan. Others usually describe them as assertive and straightforward. They are comfortable speaking their minds and are confident in addressing problems.

Phlegmatic - The Summer Personality

Phlegmatic people are often Summers in colour analysis. The phlegmatic personality is characterised by introversion and a preference for solitude over socialising. They tend to avoid conflicts and don't enjoy aggressive people. Others would describe them as having a pleasant and agreeable demeanour, and they easily make friends. Phlegmatic types are unwaveringly loyal and supportive to their friends and family.

Melancholic - The Winter Personality

Melancholic individuals are often Winters in colour analysis. The melancholic personality is typically introverted and tends to be shy. They pursue perfection, organisation, and prefer things to be controlled and neatly arranged. They value meticulousness & can become stressed when things aren't as precise as they desire. Winters are described as the planner in a friendship group and tend to prefer pre-planned activities over spontaneous ones.