How To Not Hate Your Clothes

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Where shall I start?

I know what you are thinking. Who the hell calls their business “How To Not Hate Your Clothes”? Let me explain.

For 17 years, I was all about the charity sector. My roles  involved nurturing volunteers, mentoring young folks, guiding student leaders, and leading teams. You could say I was in the business of helping others grow. I loved it.

Then, I returned to work after baby number two. Something had shifted. It wasn't just them; it was me too. My confidence hit rock bottom, and the environment I was in didn't seem like a place where I could thrive anymore. This is an understatement!

I couldn't bare the idea of living a life feeling so underutilised and underappreciated. I took the step to reach out the a brilliant coach and asked for her help (I'm going to write more about this later). I started to receive coaching regularly.

I couldn't shake this feeling. It was like I had something valuable inside me, but I wasn't using it. My coach threw down a challenge: go explore courses that would light that fire. And that's when I stumbled onto the 'Colour for Creatives' course at the London College of Style. 

Funny enough, I think the algorithm sensed my obsession with colour from my online reading habits and my love of colour analysis accounts.

With each class, it was like I was piecing myself back together. Change was on the horizon, and let me tell you, the thought of shaking up my life was scary. But the thought of staying the same? Scarier.

What started as a curiosity turned into a plan to help people, including myself, find themselves through colour and confidence. This was my 'why,' something that's always been there, just in different forms. I’ve always been in the business of helping others grow.

As months rolled by, I had to make some big life moves to chase this passion. I've always been intrigued by how people talk about their clothes and style. It didn't matter what they looked like; they all had the same problems.

Their wardrobes were bursting, yet they'd complain, "I've got nothing to wear." The styles they used to love didn't feel right anymore. They'd changed somehow, and that change left them feeling lost.

This story repeated over and over. People were dropping loads of cash on clothes, but they were more stressed than ever about what to wear. Choices were flying at them from every direction.

Despite the money they spent, they barely wore their clothes. Even the ones they did wear didn't excite them or show off who they really were. The stuff meant to make them confident was doing the opposite.

In a nutshell, a lot of folks just plain hated their clothes.

That's where I come in. My love for colour and my knack for helping people find their confidence made me realise I had something valuable to share. I started scribbling down tips, tricks, and hacks, and the pile got pretty big. I was on to something.

When it came to naming this venture, it was a no-brainer - "How to Not Hate Your Clothes." The 'how to' part is all the guidance and wisdom I'm dishing out, and 'not hate your clothes'? That's the endgame. My mission is simple: to help women fall back in love with themselves through their style.

In the past few months, as I've been building this, I've also been reconnecting with my own style and confidence. The change in me over the past year is huge. And I'm on a mission to help others experience the same transformation. If it's possible for me, it's possible for anyone.

So, let's get acquainted. I'm Louise, and I'm thrilled to introduce you to 'How to Not Hate Your Clothes.'